Sunday, September 26, 2010

Off-Topic Post About My Other "Project"

OK, so I have a blog and pictures up on my site ( but I felt like posting my creative alternative to just posting my expanding belly.

Now that I'm halfway through and looking at some of the older pictures, I do have to say that my first trimester, boy was I bloated! I still feel like I fit into my clothes better now than I did then, even though I'm up to about 20 extra lbs. and, back then, it was only four.

Five Weeks:

Seven Weeks:

Nine Weeks:

12 Weeks:

16 Weeks:

21 Weeks:

26 Weeks

In doing this, I'm realizing watching my belly expand isn't that interesting. In fact, I'm glad I don't keep track every week. Going from bloating to trying to arch my back to look more pregnant to looking like I had a big lunch to finally looking pregnant without too much work really makes these photos kind of boring. I'm glad I added my pie charts.

And, just for good measure, I wanted a picture of me with a bowling ball when the husband and I went a few weeks ago, just to compare:

Monday, September 20, 2010

A Living Room I Love Living In!

And finally, the "accent" wall had to go. I, unfortunately, picked such a light blue color that it was washed out during the day. So, I decided to go bold. I actually picked the *middle* color on the paint chip. (Gasp!)

Oh, and here's the link to the original Living Room when we moved in: LINK

Even though the husband was convinced that "Courtyard Shadow" was gray, I knew he would love it once out living room was one solid color. And I was right!

Oh! And because my MIL was as sick of seeing all the TV wires as I was, she came to the door with this!
The first thing my cat had to do was make a little garden apartment for himself on the bottom shelf.

See my record player and lamp that came with the house? Well, I'm just glad I finally found a paint color that made me not mind the husband's favorite lamp so much.

Oh! And remember the hooks I made months ago? Well I finally hung it on the wall! And, get this, I hung keys on it!

Beautiful Front Porch

While waiting for paint to dry, the urge to paint (and inhale paint fumes, apparently) was hard to suppress. I saved this nightstand from my in-laws' curb about a year ago. Finally, I decided to use it outside. But, first, I had to paint it.

I needed to fix the back that was falling off. I have to say, that box of 400 Finishing Nails I bought just keep coming in handy!

After a light sanding, I began with the four coats of white matte spray paint.

When it was finished, I was so excited to put it on my porch with my adorable Christmas Tree Shop lantern on top.

I ended up loving the lantern so much, I bought bigger ones to hang from the planters' hooks--since my thumb is officially black and I've concluded I cannot care for a all.

The Bathroom Is Finished!

Welcome to the crazy week that started with a few paint chips and excess energy.

A few weeks ago, I decided my first floor needed to be finished. I wanted to have a first floor that was done. in no more "I'll get around to it."

What started it was the need to paint the bathroom, finally.

After my husband finished with the Wainscoting a few weeks ago, we decided on a color. And, I swear, it's the happiest shade of blue (almost a teal), actually.

Oh, and here's the BEFORE pictures.

And now, may I present my bathroom!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Let The Painting Begin!

Just taking a break from what will now be referred to as Crazy Painting Week. But wanted to update to let you know there's a big post coming. My Facebook statuses (stati?) for the past few days have been:

"Had to cancel my sword-swallowing performance for this afternoon, as well as my fire-breathing rehearsal this evening. (Ticket money will be reimbursed.) Damn, this baby sure is picky about its in-utero activities! Guess I'm painting all day again!"

"'No, I don't think nesting is the way, I'm repainting, um, everything.'"

Friday, July 2, 2010

My Husband's First Blog!

Well, my Darling Husband set up his first blog. Since there have been requests, he now has the blog $hit My Pregnant Wife Says.

It's slow-starting, but with the stuff he's accumulated over the past few weeks, I'm sure he'll have more followers than I do!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Keeping My Hands Busy

I've recently needed a distraction for my hands in the past few days, so I've been trying to get back into crafting.

The first thing I did was make a dry erase calendar. I had been meaning to do this craft for ages, since I saw a version on Somewhat Simple. Even though the one seen on that blog is very organized and incredibly detailed, I just needed something to compensate for my procrastination to buy a 2010 calendar, which led to finding ones in June that are $20.

I got a cheap frame at Jo-Anns and some clearance scrapbook paper and used a ruler to draw the grid I needed. I did everything with dry erase marker on what would be the front, and traced everything with permanent silver marker on the bottom side, so I wouldn't accidentally wipe the grid and days of the week lettering off when cleaning it.

I love how quick it was, and how great it turned out.

While I was at Jo-Ann's, I picked up a few jewelry making accessories so I could put this March of Dimes ring to good use.

I loved the ring. It says "Be Happy" and "Be Healthy" on it, but I hated the cheap looking purple string that it was attached to. I realize it was a token of gratitude for donating to charity, but, I really did want to wear the ring, but I needed a solution.

After some beads, about an hour with a pair of needle-nose pliers, and the sanity to keep pushing my cats away from the little jewelry pieces, I had this.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Hear ye, hear ye!

It is a joyous day in the kingdom of LEmily's Yellow House. The queen, herself, decided to be ambitious. She typed "How To Start A Lawnmower" into Ye Olde Google, got an answer and put it to the test. Because of her heroic efforts, her lawn is now mowed to perfection (save a few stragglers that should probably be weed-whacked). And so on, and so forth. Long live the queen!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Simple First Communion Cake

The husband's nephew had his First Communion a few weeks ago and, now that I'm known as the family cake maker, I was enlisted to bake and decorate the cake for his party.

Christmas Crafts

After December, I kind of cut back on blogging. So much going on and procrastination got the best of me. But, better late than never!

Here are the beginnings of my Italian style baskets I made for my side of the family. When I lost my job, most family members said they would be angry with me if I spent money on them. Therefore, my Christmas shopping was done at Dollar Tree.

My favorite gift I made, though, were for my cousin's twin girls. I bought blank doodle pads and pasted fun scrapbook paper to the fronts and stamped their names across them. Then, I modified the designs for crayon sacks, seen on many craft websites to give to them.

The Constipated Bathroom

The progress we've had on our bathroom is nothing short of labor-intense. Therefore, our bathroom is now known as constipated, since the end is still a little ways away.

We haven't had a sink since before Thanksgiving, The shower bar has been dipping lower and lower since Halloween, and for about three weeks in March, we were without a shower.

Here's my father-in-law and the husband taking down the plaster wall in February so we could cover over the hole from the previous medicine cabinet.

Following this procedure, we brought in a guy to drywall out ceiling and wall, as well as put in a window.

And here it is, nicely primed and ready for more.