Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Simple First Communion Cake

The husband's nephew had his First Communion a few weeks ago and, now that I'm known as the family cake maker, I was enlisted to bake and decorate the cake for his party.

Christmas Crafts

After December, I kind of cut back on blogging. So much going on and procrastination got the best of me. But, better late than never!

Here are the beginnings of my Italian style baskets I made for my side of the family. When I lost my job, most family members said they would be angry with me if I spent money on them. Therefore, my Christmas shopping was done at Dollar Tree.

My favorite gift I made, though, were for my cousin's twin girls. I bought blank doodle pads and pasted fun scrapbook paper to the fronts and stamped their names across them. Then, I modified the designs for crayon sacks, seen on many craft websites to give to them.

The Constipated Bathroom

The progress we've had on our bathroom is nothing short of labor-intense. Therefore, our bathroom is now known as constipated, since the end is still a little ways away.

We haven't had a sink since before Thanksgiving, The shower bar has been dipping lower and lower since Halloween, and for about three weeks in March, we were without a shower.

Here's my father-in-law and the husband taking down the plaster wall in February so we could cover over the hole from the previous medicine cabinet.

Following this procedure, we brought in a guy to drywall out ceiling and wall, as well as put in a window.

And here it is, nicely primed and ready for more.